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CA-3500T Plug On Transmitter
Ferquency Range : 748.3-757.7 MHz
Adapter : XLR socket whit fixed screw ring
Ttansmitter power : 5mW/10mw switchable ( country dependent )
Harmonlc radlation : <-60dBc
Antenna : external wired microphone or condensor microphone
Oscillation Mode : PLL Synthesized, frequency stabllity <+0.005%(-10 (~60 C )
Input sensitivity : -40dB, -30dB, -20dB, -10dB, -OdB, five setting,
Phantom power Voltage : OV/ 48 V switchable, load current up to 10MA
Mic Input : Balanced XLR
Current Consumption : 230m A (Phantom power opens up 70mA ) /160mA (Phantom power close )
Operating : 10 hours (Phantom power off : OV ) 6 hours (Phantom power on : 48V )
Battery : AA x 2
Dimension (mm) : 120(H) x 44 (W) x 45 (D)
Welght (g) : 152 ( Excluslve battery )

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